The Art Society premises consist of a large studio area, library, kitchen facilities plus the adjoining Clear Skies Gallery and Clear Water Gallery. A small, enclosed patio area is accessible from the studio. The current membership stands at around 280, a large percentage of whom are practicing artists.



The aims of the Society are to promote the creative arts by providing opportunities for the practice of art and continuing education in a wide range of media. The Society also provides opportunities for all members and other artists to exhibit their work in the galleries. Members and artists from the local community are encouraged to hold their own exhibitions either as solo exhibitors or joint exhibitions with like-minded friends.

There are currently groups meeting every day during the week in all disciplines plus an after-school art class, night classes for adults and weekend workshops.

The Society is community based and hosts a variety of exhibitions. More recently local embroiderers, fibre artists, and exhibitions with themes such as figurative art and printmaking have become popular. Local groups such as CARE Marlborough, after school art classes and IDEA services art classes all have exhibitions which showcase their art. They all reflect the diversity of the arts practiced in our community.


From early beginnings in 1961 in various locations around Blenheim and, with an increasing number of members, the Society responded to the need for larger premises and after many venues and a temporary home in the old, now demolished, St Andrews Church in Russell Terrace, the first premises owned debt-free by MAS was 42 Arthur Street (now McKendry's car yard). The Arthur Street property was sold and along with an intensive fund-raising effort in 1998, the purchase of 204 High Street, our current location, was made.

The move to its own premises provided the Society with its first on-site gallery space and exhibitions were held at regular intervals. However, as the demand for exhibition space increased, it became obvious that a larger gallery area was necessary and in April 2009 it was decided to extend the gallery. In February 2010 a second gallery extension was officially opened – again debt-free thanks to the loyalty of the members and friends of the Society and sponsorship of the Yealand’s Estate Winery and Mark Stevenson First National Realty, Blenheim.

Life Members

1963   Celina Ballantine

1967   Jack Clarkson

1970   Ben Vrolyk

1970   Stella de Gruchy

1975   George Mitchell

1978   Ken Fairweather

1984   Loris Wisheart

1992   Glad Lewis

1993   Lorna Clarke

2000   Diana Mickell

2001   Shirley Jones

2002   Gwen Fowler

2002   Bobbie Holmes

2003   Peter Jenkins

2004   Ron Warnes

2005   Kelvin Allen

2005   Walter Scott

2009   Suzanne Roundhill

2012   David Godden

2012   Jennifer Jones Godden

2014   Karen Cunningham

2015   Prue Mathews

2021   George Dight


Committee & Contacts

Ph. 03 577 6784

President Anne Barrer ph 0210334451

Vice President Carolyn Costley

Secretary Chrissy Lamond ph 021 568 850

Treasurer Sara Hunter

Committee Bonnie Coad, Jill Caslick, Tamara Jansen, Carolyn Costley, Isabel Jordan, Teresa Wilson and Kevin Mintenko

Arts & Exhibition Coordinator Ginni Denmead ph 0211 400 592

Custodian Teresa Wilson 027 359 5278

Joint Patrons: Walter Scott and Joanna Dudson-Scott